Terms and Conditions

1. Agreement Duration


The agreement begins upon acknowledgment of its content and remains in effect for the duration of the subscription period.


In case of a breach of the agreement terms, the service provider reserves the right to cancel the subscription and delete the subscriber’s data.


2. Service


The service provider is obligated to provide the service to the subscriber throughout the subscription period.


If the subscriber wishes to terminate the service, they must notify the company at least 30 business days in advance.


3. Service Quality


The service is available to the subscriber 24/7. In case of service interruption, the service provider commits to addressing the issue and taking necessary actions as quickly as possible.


The service provider does not guarantee the continuity of service quality if the internet connection is weak or the device used is outdated. Maintenance or network repair may require temporary service interruptions. In any case, the subscriber is not entitled to a refund or compensation.


4. Payment and Renewal


The subscriber agrees to pay the service provider the service fee as specified in the service description.

Service fees will be deducted in advance on the day of subscription or upgrade to cover the service usage for the specified period. No compensation is provided for unused time unless stated otherwise in the service description.


5. Subscriber


The contracting subscriber is the account owner and will be responsible for all communications with the

service provider. They are the authorized person to communicate with the service provider.

If subscribing on behalf of an employer, the employer must be the account owner, and you must ensure you have the authority to bind the employer to the terms of service.


6. Transaction Limits


The customer may utilize the service according to the package they are subscribed to. The following paragraphs outline these limits and the consequences of exceeding them.


  • Training Goals in the Treatment Plan: The customer may use the service up to the limit specified in their package. If they wish to increase this limit, they must upgrade to the next package. Service will not be stopped upon reaching the upper limit, but they will not be able to add additional training goals to the treatment plan.
  • Number of Students/Beneficiaries: The customer may use the service within the limit of their subscribed package. If they wish to increase this number, they must upgrade to the next package. Service will not be stopped upon reaching the upper limit, but they will not be able to add additional students/beneficiaries.


7. Privacy and Confidentiality Precautions



The subscriber must take necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the service. This includes not sharing login links, usernames, and passwords with anyone. The service provider does not guarantee protection against any harm due to the subscriber’s failure to take adequate precautions.


The subscriber must not attempt unauthorized access to the site, copy, modify, leak, damage, alter, or obstruct the site or impede access to it.


8. Maintenance


The subscriber agrees that the service provider may perform necessary maintenance from time to time for upgrades, adding new features, backups, or security patches. This may include service interruptions not exceeding seven days per year. If the downtime exceeds this period, the subscriber will be compensated by extending their subscription by the number of days the service was unavailable.


9. Data Retention


The subscriber acknowledges that if they stop using the service, whether due to their request or failure to renew the subscription, the service provider will grant a seven-day grace period for renewal. During this period, the subscriber will have access to all service features and data.


If renewal is not made within the specified period, the service provider has the right to suspend the subscription for an additional 23 days, giving the subscriber access to copy their data. After this, all subscriber data will be deleted. The subscriber acknowledges that renewing the subscription after 30 days of non-renewal offers no guarantees for retrieving previous data. For trial packages, data is deleted immediately after the trial period ends.


10. Disclaimer


The service is provided “as is” and the service provider and its suppliers make no warranties, express or implied, regarding performance resulting from the use of the service or website, including but not limited to quality, fitness for a particular purpose, integration, non-infringement, or data loss.

The subscriber is responsible for the content within the service, including blocking or the quality of content and its rights.

The subscriber is responsible for all activities and content such as data, graphics, images, videos, and links published on the service.

The subscriber must not publish viruses or any destructive code.


11. Indemnification


The subscriber agrees not to harm the service provider, its property, contractors, licensors, directors, employees, representatives, or agents and will bear all costs of claims and expenses resulting from any proven damage or breach of the agreement, including legal fees.


12. Non-Transferability


This agreement is exclusive to the subscriber and they must not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement to any third party.


13. Modification


The service provider may add additional features and functionalities to the site or service in the future, such as new functions, tools, content, or reports.


All such features and functionalities are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.


14. Privacy Guarantee


Regarding the service, the service provider is committed to respecting the subscriber’s privacy and all data entered during the use of the service, and will not access, view, or copy the entered data except upon the subscriber’s request to facilitate their work or training.

The service provider logs IP addresses of visitors or subscribers, which may identify them but will only disclose them as mentioned elsewhere.

The service provider retains necessary subscription data entered by the subscriber during registration, such as name, email, contact information, and payment details. This data may be accessed by the service provider’s employees, contractors, or affiliated organizations who need it to process it on behalf of the service provider or to deliver the requested service to the subscriber, provided they do not disclose this information to others.

Some employees, contractors, or affiliated organizations may be located outside the subscriber’s or visitor’s country. Using the service implies consent to the transfer of such data abroad. The service provider will not rent or sell visitor or subscriber data to any party other than as mentioned above or in compliance with a legal or official government order.

The service provider reserves the right to send email communications to the subscriber from time to time to inform them of new features or important information about the service or site, or to request feedback on the service.

The service provider also reserves the right to publish some responses or inquiries received about the service or site (such as technical support requests) to assist other subscribers after removing all information that might identify the subscriber.


15. Business Transfer


If the service provider or parts of its business are acquired by a third party (such as another company), subscriber or visitor information will be considered an asset transferred to the third party. The subscriber acknowledges this possibility and that the third party may use subscriber information as described in this agreement.

In the event of the provider’s bankruptcy or exit from the market, the service provider is committed to allowing the subscriber access to their dedicated server to copy their data and the source code for a full month from the date of bankruptcy or exit.


16. Termination


If the subscriber wishes to stop the service, they can simply do so by not paying for the subscription or by notifying the service provider directly via the site. In this case, subscriber data will be deleted as outlined in section 9.

The service provider also reserves the right to notify the subscriber of the service discontinuation and provide a one-month grace period to copy their data without giving reasons.

All contract terms that survive by their nature, such as indemnities, warranties, and disclaimers, remain in effect after termination of the agreement.


17. Governing Law


Disputes or claims related to this agreement will be resolved according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


18. Inquiries


For any inquiries regarding the service, please send them to [email protected].